Nevada Populated Places 'A' List


Nevada Populated Places Alphabetical Index

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q, R | S | T | U, V | W, X, Y, Z

Nevada "A" Populated Places

 Additions and/or corrections to the database are encouraged! Simple Add/Edit Procedure.

Populated Place - Place or area with clustered or scattered buildings and a permanent human population (city, settlement, town, village). A populated place is usually not incorporated and by definition has no legal boundaries. However, a populated place may have a corresponding "civil" record, the legal boundaries of which may or may not coincide with the perceived populated place. Distinct from Census and Civil classes.
Displaying 1 to 26 of 26 records
Name County
Acme Mineral
Adaven Elko
Adelaide Humboldt
Adits Mill Lander
Afton Elko
Allred Nye
Alpine Esmeralda
Alum Esmeralda
Amador Lander
Amargosa Nye
American City Storey
American Flat Storey
Amos Humboldt
Anderson Elko
Andersons Washoe
Antelope Nye
Antelope Springs Nye
Argentite Esmeralda
Argentum Lander
Argentum Esmeralda
Arlemont Esmeralda
Artesia Lyon
Ashmeadow Nye
Atwood Nye
Aurora Mineral
Aurum White Pine
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